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Thordin Schwarzbart

LN Male Dwarf Fighter1, Transmuter4, Runesmith2 ; CR 7; Medium Humanoid (Dwarf);
Init +5; Senses Spot +0 (Darkvision 60'), Listen -1


AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+1 full plate + Dex + Ring); +4 with Shield; Damage reduction 1/slashing (earthsilk jersey)
hp 45 (HD (1d10)+(4d4)+(2d6)+12)
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +7 (cloak)dwarven bonuses;
Spd Walk 20 ft.;


Melee +7 mw Battleaxe (d8+2 slashing, d8+3 two-handed) or +6 Clap of Thunder (usually 3d6 sonic touch attack) (rpol) or +6/+6 two claws (d6+2/d6+2 slashing§ with Arms of Plenty) or spells
Space/Reach 5ft./5ft.
Attack options: Mountain Strike (+2d6), Clap of Thunder (Reserve), Sudden Maximize, Spells (CL 6, DC 14+spell level), usually:
Wiz 3 Arms of Plenty, Dispel Magic, Haste, Sound Lance
Wiz 2 Mirror Image, Bull's Strength, Shatter, Web, -free slot -
Wiz 1 Feather Fall, Hail of Stone, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist, -free slot-
Wiz 0 Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, -free slot-


Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 8, Cha 8
Base Attack +4; Grapple +6
Feats Clap of Thunder (RESERVE), Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Rune magic, Scribe Scroll, Still Spell, Sudden Maximize Spell, Summon Familiar, Armor Proficiency (Light/Medium/Heavy), Shield Proficiency (Normal/Tower), Weapon Proficiency (Simple/Martial)
SQ: Darkvision (60');
Skills: (ACP -5) Appraise +5 (1rank), Balance -4, Climb -1 (2 ranks), Concentration +11 (9), Concentration (Cast defensively) +16, Craft (Metalworking) +10 (4), Craft (Stoneworking) +14 (8), Decipher Script +5 (1), Escape Artist -4, Hide -4, Intimidate +3 (4), Jump -5 (4), Knowledge (Arcana) +10 (6), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +6 (2), Knowledge (The Planes) +7, Move Silently -4, Ride +3 (2), Speak Language +1, Spellcraft +15 (9), Spot +0 (1), Swim -8;
Languages: Dwarven, Common, Celestial, Giant, Gnome, Terran, Undercommon
Dwarven Bonuses: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, +2 bonus to Spellcraft when learning Transmutation, +2/+4 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks that are related to metal/stone, +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison., +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects., +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type., Stability, Stonecunning;
§counts as magic weapon for overcoming damage resistance


1 medium full plate +1, 1 earthsilk jersey (150), 1 Battleaxe (mw, ready), 1 Warhammer, 1 dagger, 1 crossbow (light/mw), 50 bolts

1 cloak of resistance +1, 1 ring of protection +1, 1p Strickhandschuhe aus dem Mooshahnstadl, 3 pearl of power (1st, 1000gp), 1 spellbook (79/100 pages), 9 Perlen für Identify, 1 Infinite Scroll Case (1x 2800 gp, ready) 1 healing belt (1 Ladung: 2d8, 2 Ladungen: 3d8, 3 Ladungen: 4d8)

scrolls (still*): L0: read magic* (x2), detect magic* (x2), detect poison, mending* (x2), stick* (2x), silvered weapon* (x2), L1: alarm, comprehend languages, feather fall+, hail of stone* (6x), hold portal, identify (1x), jump* (3x), mage armor* (x2), magic missile* (CL5, 2x), prot. from evil* (x2), silent image* (x2), reduce person* (x2), true strike (7x) L2: alter self* (CL5, x1), bull's strength* (3x), darkness+, invisibility* (CL5, 5x), rope trick* (1x), spider climb* (1x), see invisibility* (2x) L3: L4: detect scrying (1x700gp), L5:

potions: CLW (3), CMW (2), lesser restoration, heroism, oil of magic weapon (2x50)

wands: burning hands (48 ch., ready), shield (31, ready), exp. retreat (35, ready), endure elements (50), true strike (50, ready), lesser vigor (42)

2 sunrod, 12 caltrops, spell component pouch, backpack, 50 ft silk rope, set of stone chisels (5gp), ink, pen, paper, parchment, chalk, mirror (small, steel), flint and steel, tindertwig, 5 candle, sealing wax, sewing needle, signal whistle, soap, bedroll, water skin, trail ration (20 days), "Schneeschuhe" (quasi Tennisschläger zum Festschnallen an Schuhe): 5gp (verhindern Verlangsamung und Behinderung durch Tiefschnee, und manchmal auch Abstürze in Gletscherspalten, kosten aber 5ft Geschwindigkeit, +5 auf Track DC), Allgemeines Rundum-Glücklich-Winteroutfit: 8gp, 7lb / 2lb (small people)

Gold: 1600gp;

Special Attacks

Mountain Hammer (ToB P84): Strike, Initiation: one melee attack as part of standard action — Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.


See Kognoskulas Sprüchehort

Wiz 3: Arms of Plenty, Dispel Magic, Dolorous Blow, Haste, Sound Lance, Undulant Innards

Wiz 2: Alter Self, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Rope Trick, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Shatter, Spider Climb, Web

Wiz 1: Alarm, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Floating Disk, Grease, Hail of Stone, Identify, Jump, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Evil, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp, Silent Image

Wiz 0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Launch Bolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Silvered Weapon, Stick, Tongue of Angels, Tongue of Fiends


10000 + 150+225+71+214+214+100+845+1800+382+563+825+100 = 15714 + 225+450+690+200+100+986+200+193+1130+514+514+257+200-371= 21002 +1800+300+3650 = 26751

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